“Thank you” for the reminder of the connection across time… in finding a penny when making this work…
Foremost, our deep gratitude is extended to our families, both here and those in spirit – you inspire, share and give purpose to our lives, art and stories. Thank you to our close friends, our artistic colleagues and networks – you are always a sounding board and support. You know who you are…
Our immense thanks also, to the families of the young artists in Otanical. As evidenced in these young performers, your invaluable support, together with the training of their mentors and teachers, create the momentum for a future Australia – where the performing and visual arts enriches our lives and our cultural identity at a level, yet to be known.
We wish to thank the Adelaide Fringe Artists Fund for its assistance in presenting the premiere of the work in the Adelaide Fringe 2016, and for the Adelaide City Council through their Arts and Cultural Program for their assistance in presenting the work for SALA.
We would like to especially acknowledge Nadia Parker for her support and commitment in creating and presenting this vision. It has been a great privilege to work within the Adelaide Botanic Garden and to be inspired by the surrounding environment.
This project has come to fruition through generous in-kind sponsorship and the hands-on support and belief in our vision from Sidonie, John, Steph, Clay and Ian: Thank you all.
There are inadequate words to describe this unchartered voyage called life. We are here together… and you are in this moment.“Thank you” – for being a conspirator of dreams.
– Amanda & Alex –